We are wholesale and retail sellers and are glad to offer you the complete set of plastic and resin models from Russia, including Zvezda, Eastern Express, Masterclub, Kombrig, Tank etc.
We are able to provide the best prices on the market, because we are producers of several well-known brands and also have direct contacts with all resin manufacturers We also offer 3D modeling and rapid prototyping services.
Please see the examples of our work here: http://www.live-resin.com/prototyping
See right some of our special offers
We are ready to answer any of your questions and provide you with all terms and conditions upon your request contact@tank-figures.com

воскресенье, 29 мая 2011 г.

New BRAVO6 sets - 35009, 35201

 BRAVO6 U.S. Mech. Infantry (2) Bros. Nam'68

Highly detailed 1/35 scale figures of two black G.I.s from the Mechanised Infantry. Figures are shown in a sitting position, sharing a drink. Both figures are shown wearing slightly personalised standard issue jungle fatigues. Set comes complete with personal equipment and decal sheet. Suitable for any Vietnam setting.

"Huguette" agony (1), Dien Bien Phy`54
Highly detailed set of 1/35 scale figures. The set is made up of a member of the French armed forces shooting a Viet Minh soldier. The French soldier is firing a MAT Mle 1949 Submachine Gun at a Viet Minh soldier armed with a soviet PPSh-41 with a drum magazine. Suitable for scenes set in the First Indochina War.

For information on how to order, please write to: contact@tank-figures.com      

воскресенье, 15 мая 2011 г.

New STALINGRAD sets - German infantrymen at rest 1939-44

See full catalog STALINGRAD http://tank-figures.com/stalingrad/
S-3533  German infantryman at rest 1939-44
Finely detailed 1/35 figure of a battle-weary/exhausted German Wehrmacht
soldier sitting on the ground. The figure comes complete with a K98
rifle across his lap and a full set of standard issue personal
equipment: Canteen, Zeltbahn, bread-bag, gas-mask cannister with
map-pouch strapped to it, canteen, bayonet, trenching tool, ammo
pouches, steel helmet as well as a Russian bread-bag. Suitable for any
period on the Eastern front.

S-3534  German infantryman at rest 1939-44
Finely detailed 1/35 figure of a battle-weary/exhausted German Wehrmacht
soldier resting on a rock. He has the 'Infanterie Sturmabzeichen'
(infantry assault badge) on his breast pocket and is armed with an MP40
sub-machine gun. The figure comes complete with all standard issue
personal equipment: Ammo-pouches, trenching tool, mess-tin, Zeltbahn,
gas-mask cannister, canteen and bread-bag as well as a steel helmet.
Suitable for any period from 1939 to 1944.

S-3535  German infantryman1939-44
Highly detailed 1/35 figure of a German Wehrmacht soldier standing at
rest. The figure is armed with a K98 rifle and comes complete with a
full set of standard issue personal equipment: Bayonet, trenching tool,
mess-tin, Zeltbahn, canteen, bread-bag, steel helmet and gas-mask
cannister with a map case strapped to it. Suitable for any period from
1939 to 1944.

All information about orders - contact@tank-figures.com     

среда, 20 апреля 2011 г.

New COMBRIG 1/350 Ships

3513WL RURIK II  Russian armoured cruiser, 1909
Resin kit with photoetched parts  1/350 scale

3516WL POLTAVA  Russian Battleship, 1896
Resin kit with photoetched parts  1/350 scale

3517WL SEVASTOPOL Russian battleship, 1898
Resin kit with photoetched parts  1/350 scale
3518FH PETROPAVLOVSK  Russian battleship, 1897
Resin kit with photoetched parts  1/350 scale
3520WL HMS KENT  Aroured cruiser, 1903
Resin kit with photoetched parts  1/350 scale

3530FH GREMIYACHIY  Project 7 Soviet destroyer 1936
Resin kit with photoetched parts  1/350 scale

понедельник, 21 марта 2011 г.

New STALINGRAD sets - Young German POW, 1944-45

See full catalog STALINGRAD http://tank-figures.com/stalingrad/
S-3528  Young German POW, 1944-45

3528 This young soldier wearing a shirt typical of the ones issued in 1943 and boots with gaiters, characteristic of the period towards the end of the war.

All information about orders - contact@tank-figures.com     

четверг, 10 марта 2011 г.

New THE ARMOURER set - Russian Farm Boy and Rural Russian Orthodox Priest

See full catalog THE ARMOURER http://tank-figures.com/the-armourer/

Highly detailed 1/35 scale figure of a Russian Farm Boy dressed in very worn clothes and carrying a crude bull-whip. Ideally suited for dioramas depicting scenes of any period from the early 20th century onwards.

Highly detailed 1/35 scale figure of a Rural Russian Orthodox Priest holding a bunch of keys. Well suited for dioramas representing scenes up to about the middle of the 20th century.

All information about orders - contact@tank-figures.com

среда, 2 марта 2011 г.

New BRAVO6 sets - 35024, 35035, 35040.

See full catalog BRAVO6 http://www.tank-figures.com/bravo6/

B6-35024 U.S. NAVY SEALS (3) Vietnam

The 35024 set consists of two figures of elite force U.S. Navy SEALs. Machine gunner carries a wounded comrade on his shoulders. Set shows well  a variety of uniorms (“tiger stripes”,ERDL, blue jeans, floatation vests), footwear (jungle boots,swimming coral shoes), weapons (chopper M60 version and XM-148) and headgear (camo beret and bandana) used  by Navy SEALs.  Kit can be used both separately and together with BRAVO-6 sets 35023 and 35034

B6-35035 USMC CORPSMAN &WIA. Tet 68
Set 35035 consists of two figures: US Navy corps-man and wounded afro-American grunt. Both are dressed in standard tropical uniforms. Two versions of the M1955 flak jacket are represented, figures are wearing jungle boots. Highly detailed small equipment items such as bandoleer, ammo pouches, water canteens and M3 medical bag are included. The kit also includes two M1 helmets, two M16 rifles and an additional closed M3 bag.

B6-35040 U.S. ARMY Special Forces Officer NAM
The “Green Berets” are the Elite force of the US Army. One of their main tasks is counter-insurgency and coordinating local irregular defence groups. In Vietnam, the Green Berets worked mainly with Montagnard tribes in rural areas. Montagnard is a French term meaning 'people from the mountain(s)'.
SF figure wears 1st pattern tropical uniform, 2nd pattern jungle boots and the famous headgear. Often Green Berets were seen wearing Montagnard bracelets.

All information about orders - contact@tank-figures.com      

среда, 2 февраля 2011 г.

New STALINGRAD sets - German POW, 1941-45

See full catalog STALINGRAD http://tank-figures.com/stalingrad/

S-3526  German POW, 1944-45

S-3527  German POW, 1941-45

German POW
3526 Wearing a guard's overcoat, although not standard issue, its use was widespread.

3526 Wearing a shirt (under overcoat) typical of the ones issued in 1944, corresponding to the period at the end of the war.

3526 Wearing boots with gaiters, characteristic of the period towards the end of the war.

3527 Wearing officer's boots, not displaying any obvious regimental insignia or equipment particular to a certain year, so the figure can be used in any scenario set during WWII, including the battle for Moscow 1941.

3527 Backpack (called 'Affe' (monkey) by German soldiers). Although this backpack was standard issue and was therefore widespread, it is rarely represented in scale figures. POWs seen carrying the pack were usually taken prisoner away from the battle field, as the backpacks were not carried into combat.
All information about orders - contact@tank-figures.com      

понедельник, 3 января 2011 г.

New THE ARMOURER set - Resting Cow

See full catalog THE ARMOURER http://tank-figures.com/the-armourer/

Figure of a cow resting, with high quality anatomic details, for all periods and countres.

THE ARMOURER - new firm, making high-quality figures of people and animals on 1/35, 1/48, 1/72 scale and as wheel on the scale of 1/35 from resin, with photo etched details.

All information about orders - contact@tank-figures.com
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